
Welcome to my new home! by Jamie Maldonado

The new look. Tell me what you think!

The new look. Tell me what you think!

​I first launched my website in the summer of 2008. It was a splendid site professionally designed by my friend Jessica Caldwell, who has gone above and beyond in her work for me.  It has landed me more jobs than I can count, and  is a huge reason I have gotten a big chunk of the money I've earned since we launched so long ago.

Years passed, and it became time to update and refresh my site. However, with equipment upgrades breathing down my neck, hiring out again wasn't a legitimate option. Enter Squarespace. ​Upon a repeated suggestion from my younger brother, I once again investigated the extremely flexible and user friendly web service. I was beyond pleased, and quickly signed up. 

This also provided my new URL: Why? Well, (which still works!) seemed like a perfectly good idea a few years ago, but time has shown the hyphenated name to be a pain, as well as the fact that I use my middle initial almost no place else in my life.

​This also means the disappearance of my once-beloved old blog. I won't say that I might not stash it somewhere else, but I hope I can keep up with this one enough to make up for it, or more. 

What's extra awesome about this setup is that I will be able to easily update my site CONSTANTLY (without persistently bugging Jessica). Look for blogs about new shoots, and for my portfolios to be alive with all kinds of different work. Don't be surprised if I properly refresh my website design now and then, either. It's all very exciting to think of.​

So what do you think? Please feel free to share, ask questions or just speak your mind. Thank you!​​